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The Tallahassee-Leon Shelter started off only being opened in the winter while it was cold, however, the visibility of homeless people in the community was beyond apparent confirming the shelters need to be opened year round. In 1991, The Shelter opened doors to men, woman and children and has remained opened ever since. The homeless shelter serves as a point of entry into assistance by coordinating services and responding to immediate needs of individuals and families until appropriate permanent housing can be arranged. The Shelter provides people with lodging, as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The Shelter has also developed the ability to facilitate showers, laundry services, health and mental testing, and reading enrichment skills in addition to the housing and meals provided daily. This facility is an emergancy shelter welcoming anyone in need of emergency housing. 

More about The Shelter...

The Tallahassee-Leon County Homeless Shelter and Us.

Our Service-Learning class was paired with several different charity and non-profit organizations. We all were asked to write Placement Requests indictating our top 2-3 choices of which orgnization we would like to work with and explain why. To my suprise, The Tallahassee-Leon County Homeless Shelter was one of the most requested organizations in the course. We believe this was due to the high homeless population in our communtiy and we think that by seeing firsthand what homelessness looks like, students were more motivated to want to help. By volunteering with The Shelter we were able to truly help the homeless community, the same homeless individuals and families that we passed by on our way to school. Helping our local community felt amazing and seeing the results of what we did reminded us that our time volunteering at The Shelter was well spent. 

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